Ghost town hunting is a lot of fun. There are several different "types" or "classifications" of ghost towns. These are....
- Class A...Barren site
- Class B...Rubble and/or roofless building ruins
- Class C...Standing abandoned buildings (with roofs), no population, except maybe a caretaker.
- Class D...Semi/near ghost towns. A small resident population, many abandoned buildings.
- Class E...Busy historic community, yet still much smaller than in its boom years.
- Class F...Not a stand-alone class, but an addition to any of the above. This class usually designates a restored town, state park, or indicates some other “additional” status.
- Class G...The town joined or was absorbed by a neighboring thriving city.
- Class H...Same as "Class D", with no or very few original buildings
Next time you're out ghost town hunting, try to classify the town.